
I provide individual and couple’s therapy services for a variety of challenges and with several areas of specialty. Sessions are 50 minutes long. In your first session, I will get to know you and your reasons for seeking treatment. In subsequent sessions I will collect pertinent history, and together we will make a plan for how to help you feel better.

Please find on this page, a list of some of my areas of specialty. This is not an exhaustive list, however. Don’t hesitate to to reach out with any questions!



Have you found yourself struggling to get through basic tasks lately, or even more concerning, no longer enjoying your favorite relationships and activities? Depressive symptoms can quickly become a vortex, pulling us deeper into despair when left unaddressed. Whether your low-mood is secondary to recent stressors, or a more persistent underlying mood challenge, we will work together to build resiliency, develop healthy coping strategies, and learn skills to pull you out of depression and back in control of your life.

Anxiety and OCD

Do you spend too much time worrying? If anxiety has stolen your attention, your time, and your joy, it’s time to put it in its place. There are many evidence-backed skills that can help you feel better, quickly!

I have extensive experience treating various types of anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder. I utilize cognitive behavioral strategies, particularly exposure and ritual prevention interventions, which are highly effective for reducing anxiety patterns and obsessive thoughts.


Traumatic experiences can have a lasting effect on our emotional and social functioning. After a traumatic event, memories can be stored in an unhealthy way in the brain, leading to chronic reactivation of the fight or flight system response. In layman’s terms, you might feel on edge or afraid all the time. I am trained in EMDR, an evidence-based approach for reprocessing memories, helping people to achieve nervous system regulation. The best part? It’s all done without having to recount your trauma in detail.

Click here to learn more about EMDR

Miscarriage, PPD, and infertility

No matter where you are in your fertility journey, the experience of desiring to become a parent and things not going according to plan, either through loss, inability to conceive, or postpartum mood challenges, can be extremely painful and isolating. I have unique experience and training in working with these very sensitive topics, and I would love to walk with you as you navigate through this difficult time. I am planning to start a miscarriage therapy and support group this year. Please fill out the contact form to get on the list for this group.


Do you and your spouse continue to have the same arguments over and over, without resolution? Our early experiences and models of relationship can have powerful effects on how we relate to our spouses. That conflict you keep having is likely about something much deeper than what it seems. Using attachment-based principles, I enjoy working with couples to uncover these deeper emotional realities and learn to communicate with each other, heart to heart.

There is hope for a peaceful and joyful relationship for you.